Dear Family,
I cannot even believe
that I will be with y’all in 2 weeks!
Seriously, it doesn’t even feel real. Kind of makes me nervous! It will
be a whole new adventure at home.
Rain Season has
officially begun in Mexico. I am putting
the boots to good use! It doesn’ t matter how sunny it is in the morning … you
can never leave the house unprepared!
Okay story time!!
Hermana Claudia is
precious. We visited her this week and she tells us that they’ve started
praying as a family!! We have like a
month and a half inviting them to do it and they started! She said that it brings them so much peace and
how awesome is that?! She also told us a
story. She said that she went to the
market to buy cheese and other things and she asked for a tiny bit of cheese
and paid her 5 pesos and went to the next stand. She told us that when she got home, she
realized that they had given her more than 5 pesos worth of cheese. She said, “I just felt bad, usually this kind
of thing doesn’t even bother me before, but I couldn´t get it out of my mind! I went back and explained the situation and
we worked it out.” We talked to her
about the Holy Ghost and how he is always going to guide her now that He’s her
constant companion. She really is
changing!! She also tells me, “Hermana
Rawe, we’re going to talk on Skype after you go home! We’re going to put you on the big screen
here!” Ha! Ha! I was so excited and just love them too much.
This week her son left
on a month long trip to Tijuana, but he’s been praying and he took his
Book of Mormon with him. I told him I’d see his baptism pictures on Facebook. Ha! Ha!
But really, I know he’s going to progress too!
We’ve also been
working with an investigator named Teresa. She is super shy, but so sweet. Her prayers are always so sincere and right to
the point. We taught her this week about
the Law of Chastity and she was eating it up, that same day she talked with her
spouse and they made plans to save money and to get married within the next
month and a half. She loves to learn and
she’s been reading the Book of Mormon too. She is one of those special people
and she always asks me, “You’re not leaving yet right?” I keep telling her no, not yet. No worries!
Yesterday we visited a
less active family. They have been wanting to come back to church. They asked us to teach them how to do Family
Home Evening. We took lots of pictures of temples to their home and talked
about temples and eternal families. We played the game Headbandz but with
church terms and everyone was laughing and having fun. They really opened up
with us and they are even more excited to get back to church. They’ve only been
members for a couple of years and they’ve been inactive for a year. They
are too sweet!
So right now, the
Elder that baptized them is living with them, but last night they started
telling us that he’s not really the best influence for their kids and they’re
worried. I was completely shocked. I
starting thinking about how important my example is for the people I have taught
in Mexico. I always want to be worthy of
their trust and that they see that I live the gospel even after my mission! It is not that different than being a Laurel,
or being a Youth Camp Leader at Girls Camp.
The younger girls look up to us ... if we are negative, they will be
negative. If we break the rules, they
will think it is okay for them to not follow the rules. It is so important that we always try to be a
positive influence on each other!
I’ve been thinking a
lot about everyone that I’ve met on my mission. They are all so special to me
and I just want to put them all in one big room and see all of them before
I leave for home! At the beginning of my
mission, I missed my home and family in Texas.
Now, I miss my home and family in Tlaquepaque … my home and family in
Cruz del Sur. I still can’t believe I’m
almost leaving here.
We need to move on to
happier topics … this makes me cry! Ha!
Ha! We had a Ward activity on
Saturday for Father’s Day and it was a hit! The Relief Society was dancing and the Young Women
and it was just too funny! Speaking of
this ... Dad, Happy Father’s Day! You
know how much I love you and I can’t wait to hug you soon! Thanks for teaching me what love is!
The Lozano family gave
talks and their 15 year old talked about patience. Poor thing starts sobbing saying how
surprised she was that her parents were so patient with her because she’s done
bad things and she’s made things so hard for them but they’re always there. Her parents have expressed a few worries about
her and we’ve written notes and given talks to them and I just love their
family a lot and Jenny made me cry. She
came down from the pulpit and her dad gave her a huge hug and I just thought
about Heavenly Father. He also loves and
forgives us and is so patient.
Hermana Ramírez asked
us to help in Primary because none of the teachers showed up. We taught the
older kids about the Good Shepherd and it was so fun. We helped them sing their
song and pass out their notes to their dads in Elder’s Quorum. I just love being with the kids.
I feel stronger and
uplifted and I know that Heavenly Father is right there. I feel uplifted and I KNOW that the sacrament
is essential. I would never survive
without it! I love this gospel. I love the church. I love Jesus Christ. I love my companion and I know she’s trying
too. I love those short few moments we
have when I tell her I love her, or write her a note, or we talk about the
Atonement. I treasure those short
moments and I’m trying to be more loving and patient and do what the Lord has
asked me to do with the right attitude. I
love my President who is my hero and sends the most amazing emails. Second only to my dad! I love the Elders and Hermanas here in
Uruapan. I love our investigators and I love our Ward. I’m happy, struggling,
but happy and learning to dance in the storms.
Love you all to the moon and back!!
See y’all soon!!